Room JOY, ground floor

40 m2 (10 m x 4 m)

Situated on the level of the reception and buffet, with large windows. It is equipped with ambient lighting, a sound system, and mirrors. A staircase is leading up to the gallery.

Room JOY, ground floor

40 m2 (10 m x 4 m)

Situated on the level of the reception and buffet, with large windows. It is equipped with ambient lighting, a sound system, and mirrors. A staircase is leading up to the gallery.

Room JOY, ground floor

40 m2 (10 m x 4 m)

Situated on the level of the reception and buffet, with large windows. It is equipped with ambient lighting, a sound system, and mirrors. A staircase is leading up to the gallery.

Room JOY, ground floor

40 m2 (10 m x 4 m)

Situated on the level of the reception and buffet, with large windows. It is equipped with ambient lighting, a sound system, and mirrors. A staircase is leading up to the gallery.

Ground Floor Gallery (Community Area)

40 m2 (10 m x 4 m)

Community space for coffee, board games, lectures, relaxation. The Ground Floor Room and Gallery Hall, accessible from a staircase.

Height of ceiling is 2 m.

Ground Floor Gallery (Community Area)

40 m2 (10 m x 4 m)

Community space for coffee, board games, lectures, relaxation. The Ground Floor Room and Gallery Hall, accessible from a staircase.

Height of ceiling is 2 m.

Ground Floor Gallery (Community Area)

40 m2 (10 m x 4 m)

Community space for coffee, board games, lectures, relaxation. The Ground Floor Room and Gallery Hall, accessible from a staircase.

Height of ceiling is 2 m.

Ground Floor Gallery (Community Area)

40 m2 (10 m x 4 m)

Community space for coffee, board games, lectures, relaxation. The Ground Floor Room and Gallery Hall, accessible from a staircase.

Height of ceiling is 2 m.

Large Basement Room

60 m2 (10 m x 5 m)
Vinyl flooring. Cosy vaulted hall with private changing facilities. For dance or sports instruction, but also suitable for small concerts. Equipped with air conditioning and heating.

Large Basement Room

60 m2 (10 m x 5 m)
Vinyl flooring. Cosy vaulted hall with private changing facilities. For dance or sports instruction, but also suitable for small concerts. Equipped with air conditioning and heating.

Large Basement Room

60 m2 (10 m x 5 m)
Vinyl flooring. Cosy vaulted hall with private changing facilities. For dance or sports instruction, but also suitable for small concerts. Equipped with air conditioning and heating.

Large Basement Room

60 m2 (10 m x 5 m)
Vinyl flooring. Cosy vaulted hall with private changing facilities. For dance or sports instruction, but also suitable for small concerts. Equipped with air conditioning and heating.

Small Basement Room

30 m2 (8.5 m x 3.5 m)

Suitable for solo or partner dance classes, even for small groups. Suitable for yoga classes and activities, it is without built-in equipment.

Small Basement Room

30 m2 (8.5 m x 3.5 m)

Suitable for solo or partner dance classes, even for small groups. Suitable for yoga classes and activities, it is without built-in equipment.

Small Basement Room

30 m2 (8.5 m x 3.5 m)

Suitable for solo or partner dance classes, even for small groups. Suitable for yoga classes and activities, it is without built-in equipment.

Small Basement Room

30 m2 (8.5 m x 3.5 m)

Suitable for solo or partner dance classes, even for small groups. Suitable for yoga classes and activities, it is without built-in equipment.

Massage room

10 m2 (5 m x 2 m)

Our massage room offers relaxation and recharging. The discreet and relaxed atmosphere is ideal for both masseurs and their clients.

Massage room

10 m2 (5 m x 2 m)
Our massage room offers relaxation and recharging. The discreet and relaxed atmosphere is ideal for both masseurs and their clients.

Massage room

10 m2 (5 m x 2 m)
Our massage room offers relaxation and recharging. The discreet and relaxed atmosphere is ideal for both masseurs and their clients.

Massage room

10 m2 (5 m x 2 m)
Our massage room offers relaxation and recharging. The discreet and relaxed atmosphere is ideal for both masseurs and their clients.

Reception, Snack bar

Our reception will be happy to help you with any questions you may have. Our buffet offers refreshing drinks and light snacks, so you can refresh yourself even during a short break.

Reception, Snack bar

Our reception will be happy to help you with any questions you may have. Our buffet offers refreshing drinks and light snacks, so you can refresh yourself even during a short break.

Reception, Snack bar

Our reception will be happy to help you with any questions you may have. Our buffet offers refreshing drinks and light snacks, so you can refresh yourself even during a short break.

Reception, Snack bar

Our reception will be happy to help you with any questions you may have. Our buffet offers refreshing drinks and light snacks, so you can refresh yourself even during a short break.

Ground floor changing room

A spacious and well-equipped changing room provides space for guests to change clothes and shoes. Comfortable seating and clothes hangers ensure that our guests can prepare for their activities.

Ground floor changing room

A spacious and well-equipped changing room provides space for guests to change clothes and shoes. Comfortable seating and clothes hangers ensure that our guests can prepare for their activities.

Ground floor changing room

A spacious and well-equipped changing room provides space for guests to change clothes and shoes. Comfortable seating and clothes hangers ensure that our guests can prepare for their activities.

Ground floor changing room

A spacious and well-equipped changing room provides space for guests to change clothes and shoes. Comfortable seating and clothes hangers ensure that our guests can prepare for their activities.

Basement changing room

Our basement changing room provides a clean and well-organised environment for our guests to comfortably change.

Basement changing room

Our basement changing room provides a clean and well-organised environment for our guests to comfortably change.

Basement changing room

Our basement changing room provides a clean and well-organised environment for our guests to comfortably change.

Basement changing room

Our basement changing room provides a clean and well-organised environment for our guests to comfortably change.

If you are unable to contribute, please email us your request. We support initiatives aligned with our goals within our capacity.

Our House Rules
  • Kérjük, hogy vigyázz a terem tisztaságára.
  • Utcai cipőben a terembe belépni vagy a cipőt bevinni tilos.
  • A teremben enni és poharas üdítőt fogyasztani tilos.
  • Az épület helyiségeiben dohányozni tilos.
  • A folyosón gyakorolni, tanítani vagy kereskedelmi tevékenységet folytatni tilos.
  • Az öltözőt kérjük rendeltetésszerűen használd, és a folyosón vagy közösségi térben beszélgessetek, hogy mások is kényelmesen tudjanak készülni.
  • A stúdió tulajdonának bárminemű rongálása anyagi következményeket von maga után.
  • Az elhagyott vagy ott felejtett tárgyakért felelősséget nem vállalunk.
  • Az öltözőben lévő szekrényekhez kulcsot egy igazolvány vagy 1000 Ft letéti díjért lehet kapni. A kulcs elvesztése 1500 Ft pótdíj megfizetését vonja maga után.
Room Rental Regulations
  • Foglalni minden nap 8.00-22.00 óra között lehet a +36-20-222-0010-es telefonszámon.
  • A csoportos órák minden esetben előnyt élveznek a magánórákkal szemben.
  • A magánórákat lemondani csak a megbeszélt időpont előtti napon reggel 9.00-ig lehet. Ellenkező esetben az órát ki kell fizetni.
  • Egy alkalom lemondásakor annak árát ki kell fizetni, amennyiben nem tudjuk átadni az időpontot másnak.

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